President Truamn visits Senator Fred Brown in Somersworth

When President Truman visited Hilltop City.

President Truamn visits Senator Fred Brown in Somersworth

I Hope Everyone Had A Pleasant Valentine’s Day, And That You Enjoyed Presidents Day As Well. Presidents Day Got Me Thinking About, Well, Presidents, And Just How Many Had Visited The Hilltop City. It Turns Out It Was Just One President Who Was In Office At The Time Of His Visit Here.

That was President Harry S. Truman, the 33rd president of the United States, who visited Somersworth Oct. 16, 1952. He was in his second term, and, as you can imagine, this was a major deal for this small city.

According to reports in both Foster’s Daily Democrat and the Somersworth Free Press, Truman was here in part to visit his longtime friend Fred Brown, who was in failing health at the time. Before that visit, though, he stepped onto a makeshift stage outside  Somersworth City Hall and addressed those present. At that time, City Hall was located on Main Street in the building that today holds the Summersworth Historical Museum. 

Back then, General Electric was the biggest employer in the city, and GE and smaller businesses allowed workers an hour off in order to see the president. According to reports, “the ramps, the windows and even the roof of the General Electric building was packed with people.” In the crowd were many Somersworth and Berwick school children, as they, too, were given the day off in honor of this very honored and welcome guest.

President Harry Truman walks through the halls of the former Somersworth City Hall

The atmosphere, as one can imagine, was jubilant. Flags were hung from businesses and homes alike. For one small girl, the afternoon proved to be one she would never forget. Today we know her as Connie Kretchsmar, but back then she was a little girl who just happened to be the daughter of sitting Somersworth Mayor St. Laurent.  Connie’s two brothers were both thrilled when President Truman picked them up, placed them on his knee and posed for a picture snapped by Connie. Connie loves to tell the story of that day and rightly so.

Brown, who Truman visited, is an interesting figure. He had served as comptroller general of the United States in 1938 in the Roosevelt administration. At that time, Truman had been vice president, and the pair had become firm friends. Before that Brown had served as a senator, and before that governor of New Hampshire and before that mayor of Somersworth. He is still the only Hilltopper who has served as governor of our state, in case you are wondering.

Brown lived in a house on Mount Vernon Street, where President Truman visited his old friend. There is some debate over whether he stayed in the house for the night, but all the research I have done so far points toward Truman simply visiting. If you are wondering which house, I believe there is still a plaque above its door recoginizing the fact Truman visited, but I’ll let you discover that on your own once the weather warms up. Sadly, his friend Fred Brown would pass away in 1955 after a long and distinguished career.

Of course we have had many other political figures visit the city over the years, including Ronald Reagan, John F. Kennedy and current President Joe Biden, to name just three. The distinction is Truman was the only one who was in office during his visit.

For the love of Girl Scout Cookies

In other news, we are officially into Girl Scout cookies season! If you have been craving your yearly fix of Thin Mints, Samosas or Tagalongs, now is the time to stock up. If you want to support our local troop you will find them each weekend outside Aroma Joe’s on both Route 108 and High Street and they will be happy to sell you as many boxes as your heart desires at $5 per box. Can’t get to Aroma Joes? You can order at

Warming shelter

With the colder weather comes real hardship for those who are left without a home for whatever reason. Simply having somewhere to stay warm can be quite literally a lifesaver. The warming shelter found at 30 Willand Drive is always looking for volunteers on the nights that it has been activated. To find out when the shelter is being activated you can either read Foster’s or visit

That’s all I have for this week. So until next week, if you have to drive in the snow, please be careful, be kind to one other and please continue to wear your masks.

This column first appeared in Fosters Daily Democrat on February 17th, 2021.

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