Churches shape city’s past and present

Congregational church was the first church in the city of Somersworth, NH.

Lent for many is a time of reflection. Recently, as I reflected on the history of Somersworth, it occurred to me that for many years the churches of the city were an integral part of many of its citizens’ lives. As is my usual custom, once I get curious about something, I headed to the Summersworth Historical Museum and began to explore the archives. What I discovered regarding our earliest churches you can read for yourself. 

At the beginning of the 17th century there were two very active religious groups within the boundaries of Somersworth or as it was then known Great Falls. Those two groups were the Congregationalists and the Methodists. Both had a large following and by 1825 and according to records, both were holding services within the unfinished top floor of the second mill building that was being erected by the Great Falls Manufacturing Company. These two groups were not the only religious organizations that were active within the village, but they were the most prominent within the then 1,500 occupants of the village.

In 1828, both groups would both receive something of a windfall from the GFMC, which would take the form of a parcel of land and the sum of $500.The purpose of both gifts was to aid in building a church for each respective group. And so began a race between the two religious organizations, the likes that has not been since that date. Both churches would quickly be erected. The Methodists church on High Street and the Congregational church on Market street. Each would be completed by September 1828. The Methodist Society announced in the local media its intentions to have a new church dedicated Wednesday, Sept. 24,1828. The society was, however, pipped at the post by the Congregational church dedication six days prior.

The Methodist church would be the second church to serve the parishioners of Somersworth, NH

Now you are probably wondering where these two churches were located and this is where it can get a little confusing but equally interesting. You may have heard it said that things come full circle and this is certainly true when it comes to the history of the Congregational church. The original Congregational church was located where the Hall at Great Falls is today on the corner of Prospect and Market streets today. That building has been through several changes over the years including being the home of the Somersworth VFW from 1950 until 1996 when it would be sold to the Somersworth Pentecostal Church. They in turn would sell it to the current owners in 2013 and it became The Hall At Great Falls.

The Methodist Episcopal church would be built in the one church building that still remains on High Street.  You are probably more familiar with it as the current home of the VFW. However before that it too has an interesting history. The Methodists and Congregationalists would in 1929 decide to combine forces and they created an entirely new church, “First Parish Church, Congregational.” When the two orders combined they required only one church and that would be the old Methodist Church on High Street. Another change occurred in 1961, when the church once more merged with another organization, this time the Evangelical and Reform church. While the name changed once more to United Church of Christ, the building stayed the same. That would be true until 1983 when the congregation decided to build a brand new church on West High Street, where it can still be found today.

Once the old church building on High Street had been vacated, it housed two restaurants for a period of time. The meeting place was downstairs and offered traditional American food for breakfast and lunch, while upstairs could be found the Copper Dome. Sadly, both restaurants closed within a relatively short period of time and the building remained closed and unloved for some time.

That was until this story came full circle. If you were paying attention, you would have noticed that the VFW had taken up residence in the old church, completing a circle that began in the 1950s.

So now both of the old churches that remain in downtown Somersworth have found new but similar uses. One houses the VFW which also houses the 1899 Ballroom and the other the Hall of Great Falls. Both are function rooms and can be rented for weddings, family reunions or any other gathering you may desire.

Next week I’ll be taking a look at the United Baptist and Greek churches that were also a part of the religious fabric of the city for many years.

Summersworth Historical Museum reopening

I’m happy to be able to tell you that the Summersworth Historical Museum located at 157 Main St. will be reopened again each Sunday beginning March 7, noon to 3:30 p.m. The directors ask that you practice social distancing while in the building as well as wear a mask for the safety of all. I look forward to seeing you there along with the other directors.

That’s all I have for this first week of March. Until next week stay warm, stay safe and please continue to be kind to others.

This column fort appeared in Fosters Daily Democrat on March 3, 2021.

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