Somersworth City Hall

Municipal buildings have interesting history

Somersworth City Hall

Somersworth has had four municipal buildings throughout its history. The original municipal building was actually a meeting house when we first split off from Dover as a Parish and that meeting house would be built in just six weeks and would sit where Rollinsford Fire Station is located now

That meeting house would serve the citizens of Somersworth until March 1846 when a new building was built on what we now recognize as the corners of Main and Washington streets. That building was probably more familiar to older Somersworth residents as the Somersworth theater. Sadly, the building, also known as the Somersworth Opera House, would fall victim to urban renewal in 1965, although fire would take it first before the bulldozers could move in.

In 1941, the city would receive a new municipal building. The building was originally built in 1919 and was to serve as a restaurant for the Great Falls Manufacturing Company employees. The company who owned the mills that were across the street would go bust and the city would be gifted the deed to the building in 1929, but it would sit empty until 1940 when it was deemed to be the perfect site for the new municipal building.

After a $20,000 remodel, it would open to much ceremony on June 26th, 1941. At that time, it housed all of the municipal departments with the exception of the police department that would remain in the old city hall for several more years.

The Somersworth City Council was especially pleased with the arrangement because now they actually had a bonafide chamber in which to hold meetings. Before the new municipal building was completed, they had been holding meetings on the third floor of what was commonly known as the Chandler building. That building stood where the American Legion is now for almost 100 years and would be another victim of Urban Renewal in the 1960s.

The newer modern building with a park next door was seen as a great improvement by many in the city. I recently discovered that Memorial Park, as it was known in 1941, housed a memorial canon that was devoted to the wartime heroes of the city. I can find no reference to the cannon other than one, but if anyone recalls it, I would love to hear from you. I’m also looking for anyone who might recall the wooden sign that stood in front of that building and held the names of all those Somersworth heroes who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

Somersworth Historical Museum

Today, the old municipal building houses the Summersworth Historical Museum which is open to the public each Sunday from 12.30 to 3.30 p.m. The museum has 19 rooms packed with artifacts from the history of Somersworth from the early days to today. Admission is free and it’s a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

It would be in the year 2002 that Somersworth would finally have a new City Hall and that once bank was converted into the building that we are now familiar with. During COVID-19 that drive-thru certainly came in handy and we are one of the only city halls within the state that is lucky enough to possess one. 

So there you have the very brief but full history of the buildings that have served as Somersworth’s municipal buildings. I sure wish those buildings could talk because I have a feeling that many of the stories they could tell would be very interesting as well as entertaining….

Spring and summer Fun In Somersworth

As many Somersworth residents, including myself, receive the COVID-19 vaccine, things are beginning to return to the new normal. For the Somersworth Festival Association that means they will once again hold one of their famous craft fairs. This year the Spring Craft Fair will take place outside at the Holy Trinity Parking lot on High Street. The event will happen on Saturday, May 8 from 9 a.m. to 3 pm. They are also still accepting vendors and if interested, contact the SFA at 603-692-5869.

A little further out, on May 15, Somersworth will see the grand opening of the country’s first Little Indonesian Cultural Center at 156 High St. in the city. The Center will officially open to the public at 3 p.m. on that date and all are invited to attend and discover more about the Indonesian community that resides right here in Somersworth and its rich culture.

If you were thinking of sending your kids to one of the Noble Pines Summer Camps, make sure you reserve your spot today. This year the program is scaled back thanks to COVID-19, but aims as always to provide a fun summer for all who participate. Visit…/pages/summer-camp for more details and to sign up.

That’s all I have for this week so I’ll close by reminding you to stay safe, wear your mask and as always be kind because you have no idea what others are dealing with.

This article first appeared in Fosters Daily Democrat on April 20th

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