adopt a spot Market street Somersworth

Gardens, butterflies and beautification of the city

Wow, it was definitely a hot one last week and I was glad I was in Richmond, Virginia where all human dwellings are outfitted with the marvel of the modern age that is central air. No humming air conditioners there and I kind of missed the sound.

If you are wondering what I was doing in Richmond, I was on vacation but like any writer spent most of my time learning about new things. I think I now know more about the American Civil War than I ever thought was possible to know, but anyway, I digress.

One of the things I noticed when I returned to Somersworth was that our flowers and veggies are not as far as advanced as the ones I saw in Virginia. I guess 600 miles does make quite the difference in climate. This year, I decided to continue with my plot in the Somersworth community garden, which is located at Malley Farm. I have to admit that being away 12 days made quite the difference to my veggie plants. When I came back, my 12 zucchini plants have come on leaps and bounds and I have a feeling in the summer months many of my friends may be paid a visit by the zucchini fairy. The community garden plots this year, I‘m happy to report, are all taken, but if you would like to be put on the waiting list for next year, please contact Public Works

There is also a concerted effort this year to revamp the adopt-a-spot program in the city. For the past four years, Councilor Michaud and I have taken care of an adopt-a-spot on Market Street and I can tell you that it is a rewarding experience. The adopt-a-spot program is a great way to get some exercise, improve your gardening skills and help make the city look beautiful. The available plots vary in size and many just require some tender loving care. Again if you have any interest, please contact Somersworth Public Works and they can put you in contact with the wonderful lady who is coordinating the program.

Talking of plants, I’m not sure if you are aware that we have a nursery or more accurately a satellite nursery, in the city. If you venture down to Westwind Florists, which is located on High Street between Holy Trinity Church and the Dunkin Donuts Plaza,  you will find a wide variety of plants and veggies courtesy of Farmfield Greenhouses. This is the second year they have taken up residence for the spring at this location. They will be there until the end of June and if you are looking for veggies and flowers they have a great sale going on right now. Six packs of veggies or flowers are all buy two, get one free.

You may have noticed over the past few years that downtown Somersworth has been looking particularly spiffy when it comes to its landscaping and general cleanliness throughout the spring, summer and fall months. You can thank Downtown Bob when you see him for that. He spends his weeks clearing the seemingly endless cigarette ends, garbage and anything else that accumulates downtown. For those of us that recall what downtown looked like before Bob began his detail, he has made a big difference to the entire area.

By the way, have you noticed the new banners downtown? The ones that welcome visitors to the city with the word Welcome in one of six languages. In case you’re wondering, these six languages belong to the groups who have over the years helped shape Somersworth and continue to do so. They are English, French Canadian, Irish, Indonesian, Greek and Native American (Pennacook). Take a look next time you are downtown. They really add a pop of color.

Don’t forget that we have 10 parks within the city’s 10 square miles and this now includes the dog park at Millennium Park on Stackpole Road. There are plans to revamp the park at Ash Street and turn it into a monarch butterfly haven. This initiative is part of the National Wildlife Foundation’s Mayor’s Monarch Pledge and at present over 600 mayors have committed to creating healthy, sustainable habitat for the monarch butterfly and pollinators. Over the past 20 years, the monarch butterfly population has decreased to the point of being dangerously low and Mayor Hilliard along with Councillor Gerding will be spearheading this initiative here in Somersworth.

One of the things I loved about coming back home to Somersworth was the fact that I was able to actually see many of the faces that have been hidden behind a mask for over a year. It was great to see people again and their smiles. Downtown is slowly coming back to life as more businesses are able to reopen and we slowly return to whatever the new normal looks like. Even though many of our smaller businesses and restaurants are now open, they still need your support to survive, so please try to shop local when you can.

I will close on that note this week and I look forward to seeing more familiar faces over the coming weeks. As always until next week, stay safe and be kind to one another because you never know what someone else is going through.

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