Burleigh School

Burleigh School an institution lost to time

For almost 100 years. there was a school that stood where you can now find the Washington Street Plaza. For many Somersworth seniors, that school holds some dear memories. If you grew up in Somersworth pre-1956, you will likely remember that school.

The school that I am referring to is now recalled as the Burleigh School, but when built in 1875, it was referred to as the Orange Street School. The reason for this is back then, the street we now refer to as Constitutional Way, was in fact Orange Street. The school fronted onto what was Orange Street and so earned the name.

According to a copy of the October 1875 Great Falls Free Press, the school itself was built at a cost of $26,000. The land that was purchased from ten different property owners at the time proved to be very expensive. The entire cost of the land purchases would total $13,700 making the total cost of building the new school some $40,000. In those days that was no small sum of money and not everyone agreed with the expenditure by the then town. Despite the objections, the project would win approval and begin.

The school would, like the building that still stands at 45 Market St., be commissioned by the Boston architectural firm Peabody and Stearns. This firm is known for its love of the Gothic style and it’s easy to see the similarities between the two buildings when one compares them. The main difference is the building materials. The school house is constructed from wood whereas the Market Street building is made from bricks. More than likely this was because the Market Street property was designed to be a bank and required a more robust structure.

Today there is much talk about class size and it is interesting to learn that the original Burleigh School held just four classrooms. The two on the second floor consisted of one room which was designed to hold 60 students while the other held 70. These rooms were both exactly 27-feet by 40-feet and the roof height was 24 feet. The two additional classrooms held 70 and 80 students, giving the school a total seating capacity for 280 students.

As I said before, some in the town thought the expenditure for the school was high but according to an article in 1875 Great Falls Free Press, regarding the finished product it surmised that: “Whatever may be thought of the expediency of this outlay, it is something for Great Falls to possess the best school house in the County, and a public building surpassed by none in this State, in beauty of architecture.”

At some point in history, the Orange Street School would be dedicated to and named after the Honorable George Burleigh. Burleigh served on the school board of the city for many years, but was also a prominent Mill Agent for the Great Falls Manufacturing Company. He, unlike some of his predecessors, took a very active part within the community, choosing to call Great Falls his home.

I’ve been fortunate enough to talk to many former students of the Burleigh School and they all share one common memory. The bell, that would signal everything from breaks to school commencement and the end of the day. Apparently, it was quite the honor to be the one who rang the bell. Another common memory is the inkwells that could be found in each desk. Sadly, like so many buildings, this school would fall prey to the great Urban Renewal experiment of the 1960s. If you or one of your relatives attended the school, I would love to hear any memories before they, like, this beautiful building itself are lost in the annals of time.

What’s Not to Love About February In Somersworth

It’s hard to believe that February is here ready. As I sit and write this week’s column, we are looking at what might just prove to be a whopper of a nor’easter. Like everyone else, I’ve made sure I am stocked up on those New England favorites, milk, eggs and toilet paper, you know just in case. One of the questions I get asked a lot is about parking bans and I wanted to let you know about the city’s Snow Emergency Hotline for parking ban information which can be contacted by calling: 603-692-9131. You can also check Somersworth.com where all the latest information is posted once available.

This seems like the perfect time for me to remind you about the Somersworth Recreation department Snow-mation contest. With three categories where you could win big, it seems like the perfect time to get out and build that snowman, snow fort or snow sculpture. Then just snap a pic and send it over to the Recreation Department. You can find all the details at somersworth.com/parks-recreation/pages/winter-activities-2021

Not into building snowmen but want to see one? You are in luck thanks to the Somersworth Festival Association. They are planning a Frosty the Snowman Meet and Greet drive-thru on Saturday, Feb. 13th from noon until 2 p.m. in front of the Somersworth Middle school. So save the date!

I love to read when the snow is falling outside my window and I know I’m not alone in that. Don’t forget about the library on Main Street. They offer much more than simply books nowadays. Looking for a new movie to watch as the snow flies, they have DVDs for that and I know they would love to see you. Just be sure to check their Facebook page for regular updates, competitions and additions.

That’s it for this week. Stay safe, have fun in the snow and drive safely if you have to go out in the white stuff. Oh and please don’t forget to keep wearing that mask.

This column first appeared in Fosters Daily Democrat on February 2nd, 2021.

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