Burgetts Park Somersworth

Central Park, Willand Pond and A National Night Out

There was a time in Somersworth where cars were something that only the rich could afford and public transport ruled the streets, quite literally. That public transport came in the form of street trolley cars and for nearly 40 years the trolleys would be the chosen and often the only mode of transport in the city, especially for the many mill girls.

Many of those mill girls would ride the trolley from downtown Somersworth, Rochester or Dover to Central Park. Now, you may be wondering where and what Central Park was.

Today we better know the area by the name of Willand Pond, which is still a recreational area but not on the grand scale it once was. Originally, it was called Burgett Park after the man who laid down the trolley tracks that would carry patrons to the recreational space, but later renamed to Central Park because of its location to the three cities of Somersworth, Rochester and Dover.

Back in its heyday you would have found an outdoor theater, casino and steam-powered boats that would take you around the edge of the pond for the princely sum of 10 cents, according to an article in the Somersworth Free Press from Sept. 19, 1980. “The steamer is owned by Nehemiah Gould of Dover and he is prepared to accommodate picnic or excursion parties on notification. Another summer he will have plenty of row boats on the lake, and his boats are good, clean, strong and seaworthy ones, too.”

It’s worth remembering here that at that time there was no wireless or TV, and entertainment was all live. The open air theater at Central Park was one of the main attractions and according to one report the theater was built on a hill and seats naturally sloped from back to front. The back seats would cost a dime, the middle seats 20 cents, and the prestigious front row seats a hefty 30 cents. A variety of shows would be given over the course of a season with vaudeville being among the most popular. As long as there were plenty of laughs, it seemed everyone would leave happy, many with bellies full from the buttered popcorn that was sold at the concession stand.

The casino was not as you might imagine a place where gambling would take place. Instead, it was a dance hall and many a Somersworth High school dance and prom was held at that Central Park casino. By all accounts I have read, the dance hall had floor to ceiling mirrors and was quite beautiful.

Other attractions at Central Park were the penny arcade, the baseball games and the bear cage that was restored to its past glory, (minus the bears of course). From what I can gather the bear was never a performing bear but instead was simply a way to entertain park visitors who if they desired could purchase peanuts to feed him. The bear cage can be found at the Somersworth entrance to Willand Pond which is located next to the N.H. liquor store on High Street.

Actually, talking of the N.H. liquor store, if you have visited you might have seen the wheels and cogs that are in the ceiling and give you a sense of what the building may have been used for in the past. For many years, it served as the repair shop for the trolleys that would leave every half an hour daily, beginning at 5.35 a.m. and ending at 1035 p.m. The trolleys served Somersworth, Rochester and Dover until they were finally put out to pasture by the advent of the motor car. The last one ran in September 1926 when motorized buses would take their place.

While Willand Pond may not boast all the attractions it did back in the day, it is still something of an oasis. The 80-acre pond is home to many species of wildlife and is enjoyed by walkers, fishermen and nature lovers. At the Somersworth entrance, you will also find a ropes course that was added to the park a couple of years ago and is popular with families.

National Night Out in Somersworth

Next week I’ll be taking a look back at the stories behind both Millennium and Jules Bisson Park, which reminds me I need to tell you about National Night Out. This year the ever-popular event will take place at Jules Bisson Park on Aug. 3. Jules Bisson Park is located on River Street and National Night Out will take place between 4 and 7 p.m. The annual event was created to foster police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie. This year, as in past years, the Somersworth Police Department along with community partners have teamed up to offer a fun-filled evening with free hot dogs, games, information, raffles and more. All are welcome and all activities are free. They (and I) hope to see you next Tuesday night, so be sure to save the date.

That’s all I have for this week so until next week keep smiling and be kind to everyone as you never know what someone else is going through. 

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