christmas cards bring cheer to Somersworth

Cheers to Christmas Cards

Christmas cards add cheer to a season that will be damped down this year thanks to Covid-19.

One of my very favorite memories growing up was watching my grandmother’s collection of Christmas cards grow each December. I can clearly recall the red and white butcher’s string that would be hung across what seemed like every available vertical surface and the red and green tiny plastic pegs that are probably still hiding in the cracks of the wooden floor of the house somewhere. Each time a new card would arrive in the mail, the card-hanging ceremony would commence.

Over the years, my grandmother and her friends developed an unspoken competition around those cards. Each week they would report on how many new cards had been amassed into the collection. Over the years, the number of cards, like her friends, sadly dwindled. But year after year, those cards gave her an immense amount of enjoyment.

It seems to me in 2020 with so few ways we can actually touch others, Christmas cards might help fill in that void. According to the CDC, there is very little chance of contracting COVID-19 though mailed items so … how about sending a card to your neighbor, your friends, or even just leaving a card on the pew at church for the next person to find? Knowing the joy that my grandmother and I took from those cards each year, I know from experience, it’s a simple way to help spread some cheer this year.

Small businesses deserve your support

There was a time in Somersworth before the Internet, before phones and before even telegrams when businesses relied on cards to get the word out to the locals. Those cards had a beauty all of their own and they have (thankfully survived the test of time. Once the Summersworth Historical Museum reopens, I encourage you to go and look at the impressive collection.

Nowadays, though, most small businesses are simply a click away on social media or a website. This Christmas I encourage you to support our downtown stores such as Poppy Seed Studio, Cozy Nest or Toys From the Attic, to name just a few. These small businesses are run by your neighbors, friends and sometimes even family. Your support can mean the difference for many this season. 

Santa is coming

Talking of Christmas, as I wrote last week, the Christmas parade will sadly not take place in 2020, but as I also promised there is plenty of Christmas cheer here in the Hilltop City this year. According to Christmas Parade Committee Chair Beth Poulin, Santa will a very welcome guest when he makes his scheduled stop here on Sunday, Dec. 13. Between noon and 2 p.m., you will find him outside the Middle School and can’t wait to see you as you drive by! So make sure you save the time and date.

Looking for another family photo opportunity this year? The Somersworth ice sculpture will be standing tall and proud outside the library on Main street beginning the afternoon of Dec. 19. Only a select few know what the design is this year so again save the date so you can check it out for yourself.

Christmas isn’t Christmas in Somersworth until the world famous tree makes its annual appearance on the corner of Main Street and Market street within the next week or so. There will a virtual tree lighting with Mayor Dana Hilliard and his merry band of elves. Just who the elves are I am not at liberty to say just yet but you can get all the information by following the parade committees Facebook page HERE.

The committee has partnered with the Somersworth Recreation Department to offer myriad competitions to create 10 square miles of fun. These include a holiday home decorating contest and if you saw the entries for the Halloween decorating contest you were probably blown away. So put your best lights forward, remember to stay safe and get decorating. Submit a photo HERE, and you could win one of three prizes and, of course, a year of bragging rights. 

If you have kids (or grandkids) between 3 and 13, you might be interested in the holiday coloring contest. You can download the coloring sheets HERE or pick them up at City Hall or the public library on Main Street. Return your completed masterpiece to City Hall by Dec. 11 for a chance to win a prize. There are three separate age categories and all submitted coloring sheets will be displayed on the Recreation Department’s Facebook page, beginning the week of Dec. 14 and you can vote on your favorites. You can also view all the entries on the windows of City Hall that week. This is just a snapshot of the fun in store this Christmas time so be sure to stay tuned.

That’s all for this week, so until next week stay safe, enjoy the season and don’t forget to wear your mask.

This article first appeared in Fosters Daily Democrat on December 1st, 2020.

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