Herberts Store Somersworth

Hebert’s store was a Somersworth institution

I’m pretty sure it’s a safe bet to say that most are as relieved as I am that the election signs are once more put away and things can go back to some kind of normality in Somersworth. Mayor Dana Hilliard was reelected for his fifth term as both his opponents failed to secure the needed votes against him despite valiant efforts. As you are probably aware one of the opponents was a female and she was attempting to become Somersworth’s first female mayor. She was however not the first female to attempt this task and I doubt that she will be the last. 

Somersworth’s first female mayoral candidate

The first woman to run for the title was way back in 1953 and she would also be the first Republican mayoral candidate in the city for over 30 years at the point. It’s worth pointing out here that at that time Somersworth was governed under what is known as the “Storng Mayor’ system.

The name of the woman who presented the then City Clerk Napoleon A. Berube with a petition containing 260 names was Mrs. Virginia H. Legro.

At the time, you can imagine, Mrs. Lego was considered something of a trailblazer. She was well-known as an actress in the 1930s and ’40’s. I know that Virginia lived on Elm Street but beyond those details and the two pictures we have of her in the museum, very little record of what must have been a quite remarkable lady exists. I would love to hear from anyone who could tell me more about her.

I was lucky enough last Tuesday to run into another remarkable Somersworth woman at the polls. That lady is known by the name of Loretta Witham and she was there supporting her son David, who you might know from City Council. Anyway, as Loretta and I always do, we sat and chatted a few hours away and she mentioned the piece that I had written a couple of weeks ago about the old Somersworth neighborhoods and the fact that I mentioned the Plains, but didn’t elaborate on it. I’ll put that right now.

Hebert’s store

The Plains as it was known was the area by the Indigo Hill Road, High Street and Blackwater Road where CVS and Rite Aid sit today. So when I was at the museum this past Sunday, I did a little digging and unearthed some pictures with the help of Frank Kennedy Jr. What a difference that area of Somersworth took on back in 1941 when a little store would appear on that junction. That store would be known as Hebert’s Store and over the years it would become a staple for those living on the Plains and beyond.

Hebert’s store had a humble beginning and was nestled between houses, one of which belonged to Roland Hebert, the store’s proprietor. For many years, the store would remain the same but as Somersworth grew so did Hebert’s ambitions as well as the store itself. In order for that to happen though there were literally a few changes that needed to be made to that part of the Plains. Two of the houses had to be moved back in order to accommodate more parking as well as more stores, and that is exactly what happened. The houses were rolled back into a new position and the store and parking lot were expanded. Over the years, the store would change as witnessed in the photos that accompany this column. The store would be passed down to the next generation from Roland to Ray.

Today nothing remains of the original store and that corner has changed dramatically since Ray Hebert sold the store in 1985. Ray saw the writing on the wall for the smaller stores when the larger grocery stores like Market Basket came to town in the 1980s. He decided to sell and lived out his retirement in Florida, according to an article I found. For a while, the store was owned by Gregoire’s hardware and that was what it sold. Over the following years, it would become a discount furniture store among other things before it became what it is today: a CVS.

I would love to hear from you if you have any memories of Herbet’s as the more gaps we fill in the better when it comes to history.

Craft fairs this weekend

On Friday, Nov. 12 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and on Saturday, Nov. 13 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., St Ignatius of Loyola 7th Annual Spirit of Christmas Fair will be held at Holy Trinity Church, 404 High St., Somersworth. 

This two-day fair features artisans, penny sale, raffles, jewelry, cookie carousel, baked goods, Christmas decorations, pet boutique and more.

Sunday, Nov. 14 sees the return of the ever-popular St Ignatius Sunday breakfast served from 8 to 10:30 a.m. All are welcome to this family-friendly event, which is held in the basement of St. Martin’s Church on Maple Street. Cost for the all-you-can-eat breakfast is $9 per adult and $3 per children 7 to 15.

On Sunday, Nov. 21 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., the Somersworth Festival Association will hold its penny sale. The penny sale will take place in the high school cafeteria and all are welcome to attend.

On Saturday, Dec. 4, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. the Somersworth Festival Association Christmas Craft Fair will take place in the high school gym.

On Saturday, Dec. 4, starting at 1:30 p.m., the Berwick/Somersworth Christmas Parade will be winding its way up High Street. This year’s theme is “Joy to the World.”

That’s all I have for this week but as always I ask that we all be kind to each other as none of us truly knows what another is going through.

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