History Repeats Itself

One of my favorite guilty pleasures is reading old newspapers. There is so much to be learned from the past. When I have an hour or so to spare between meetings, I can often be found in the library exploring the delights of the microfilm section. Each Sunday, I generally grab an old newspaper from the Summersworth Museum’s archive and begin to read. 

This past week I could be found deeply engrossed in a microfilmed copy of the Somersworth Free Press. The Somersworth Free Press was for many years the staple weekly newspaper for local Somersworth information. If it happened in Somersworth, it would be found in the Free Press. I love the fact that, back in the day, you could literally follow prominent families, through births, deaths and marriages, as well as everything in between. 

Back then, just as today, newspapers covered not just local but also world events as well as national. They really are snapshots of history and in many cases offer the best look at a local event. The microfilm I found myself drawn to in the library was that which detailed the events of 1918 as seen through eyes of the world and the city of Somersworth.  It’s worth remembering that the end of World War I would not end until November of that year, but one thing and only one thing was on the minds of most Somersworth citizens back then: the Spanish flu.

As I sat and read the pages of the paper, I confess to getting a chill up my spine. I read articles detailing how to make masks at home, I read orders closing pool halls, bars and barber shops as ordained by the Board of Health and I read this in article from Oct. 31, 1918:

“The present Influenza situation is one which should command the thoughtful consideration of every public spirited citizen. The epidemic as it grows on force here in our New England states is to a very considerable extent taking on a pneumonic form. This seems to be a distinct type of pneumonic influenza. That pneumonia is a very serious disease, we are all well aware. Fortunately, the greater number of cases, however never reach the pneumonia state, the disease being a matter of days before the individual is up and around and on the way to recovery. There seem to be few, if any, serious secondary infections that follow, other than the pneumonia. The disease is extremely infectious.

Its mode of spreading is not entirely clear, but that it passes from person to person very early in the disease there can be little doubt. That it may be and is spread in other ways is very probable.

How then may the disease be checked? If all citizens and people with any symptoms that even suggest the disease will stay at home and have treatment it will help tremendously. That the prevention of unnecessary public gathering and the closing of schools and places of public amusement will help, there can be no doubt. That these methods alone are sufficient is very doubtful. It would seem that this epidemic, as that of some 25 years ago, will run its course until the many are infected, the infection being spread by the coming together of people in their daily necessary occupations. Then what is to be done with the epidemic among us? We should surely remain calm and not lose our good sense. We must have confidence that our physicians and health officers, who have the real facts before them will give the situation every consideration. the public should be informed as to the seriousness of the situation as it develops.”

The article goes on to warn the citizenry of Somersworth about the wastefulness of the talents of both nurses and physicians for anything other than treatment of the epidemic. At the time the country was still at war and physicians and nurses were already in short supply.  By October 1918 the then city of around 7,000 citizens had reported a total of 35 deaths that could be attributed to the epidemic. That death toll was rising with each passing week. 

As I sat there and read all the accounts, I found myself silently repeating the phrase, “history repeats itself.”  While the circumstances might be slightly different, as is the disease, the cures/answers bear a striking resemblance. Close schools, pool halls and basically anywhere were people gathered in larger numbers. Wear a mask, make your own mask at home, wash your hands, don’t touch your face and be a good neighbor. All advice that sounds very familiar today. It is worth remembering that we are better equipped than those citizens 102 years ago as we currently battle COVID-19. Just as those who experienced the Spanish Flu in 1918, we will get through the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Halloween Happiness

I’ll leave you this week with the image of a couple of mask wearing dinosaurs, a mummy and two dogs running around Bartlett Avenue handing out candy (from a socially appropriate distance of course) on behalf of the Somersworth Housing Authority. All of which proves there is indeed hope for all of humanity. Till next week, please be kind to one another as we are all in this together. 

This article first appeared in Fosters Daily Democrat on November 2nd, 2020.

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