Holy Trinity School was the heart of the community

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter this past weekend. I’m hopeful that Easter is the signal for warmer weather because I am itching to get back out into my garden and I’m sure I am not on my own. I’ve always loved spring and the promise that it brings. Warmer weather, flowers and grilled food are just some of the pleasures that I for one look forward to.

The thing that I dislike most about spring is the trash. The trash, that for several months has been trapped in snowbanks or under fallen leaves, is suddenly just like the kraken in Greek mythology released on the city all at once. This year, the trash situation hasn’t been helped by the two windstorms that resembled the Wizard of Oz and left me wondering, as I’m sure it did many others, if there was a chance the house would actually get blown into Kansas. Couple that with the fact that both storms occurred in a recycling week and you have the perfect trash storms.

So here we are a community that, like every other community, has trash on the streets or in the bushes and parks. So what can we do about it? We could take to Facebook or other social media platforms and complain like many did or we could simply pick up a piece of trash.

Imagine if every one of the 12,000 residents of Somersworth picked up one piece of trash each day how much cleaner the streets would look? Just a thought and one that I know some already do and to those people I say, “Thank you.”  Now before I move onto other subjects  I want to let you know that Malley Farm brush and leaf drop-off facility is now open for the season and so leaves be gone!

School was part of city’s proud past

As we move closer to a five-day school week once more I thought I would take a look back at a school that no longer serves as a school, but has a proud past.

Holy Trinity School which stands at the corner of Indigo and Main streets was originally constructed in 1923 and at the time had four classrooms which could hold 40 students as well as a gym and gathering space capable of holding 200 persons. The original structure was formally dedicated on Sept. 4, 1929.

Over time the Parish of Holy Trinity would continue to grow as would the families of those Irish immigrants that had come in search of work at the mills. By 1959, an addition was needed with three new classrooms being added as well as a new gym. The school would continue under the careful watch of the Sisters of Mercy. According to an email I recently received where the author gave credit to the Sisters of Mercy for her academic success but also noted that it very much depended on your willingness to obey the rules as to just how much mercy was shown by the sisters.

The most famous or perhaps a better word might be “renowned” of the sisters was Sister Judith. Each Christmas, you could find Sister Judith at the Holy Trinity craft fair in the church basement where she would be busy painting small Christmas sleds with the names of the recipients. Many of those sleds still grace the Christmas trees in many Somersworth homes.

Holy Trinity School itself was very much the heart of the community. That would be until 1970 when due to falling attendance and financial constraints both of Somersworth’s parochial schools would find themselves in distress. It was at this point the decision was made to amalgamate the two schools into one entity that was known as the Somersworth Consolidated Catholic Schools. This meant that students would all be taught at St Martin’s School on Green Street. This lasted until 1975 when the stress of the financial burden finally became too much. Holy Trinity School would be sold to the city of Somersworth in that same year and the building would remain on its books until 1999 when it was bought by the Great Falls Apartments LLC, a subsidiary of Chinburg Properties.

The company would immediately start work turning the old school that held so many memories for the children of Somersworth into apartments and that is where the tale of Holy Trinity school ends. Today the brick building is still apartments although under new ownership.

Dog owners rejoice and register

I’m happy to let Somersworth know that the Somersworth Dog Park which is located in Millenium Park on Stackpole Road is now officially open for the season. https://f0f071b2adc39c84335411a447ee153e.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-38/html/container.html

If you own a dog, chances are you have already received your reminder in the mail that every dog over the age of 4 months must be registered with the city of Somersworth.  You should also have an up-to-date rabies vaccination. Licenses can be purchased at Somersworth City Hall and more information found here: https://www.somersworth.com/city-clerk/faq/do-i-have-register-my-dog

That’s all I have for this week so I’ll close by reminding you to stay safe, wear your mask and as always be kind because you have no idea what others are dealing with.

This article first appeared in Fosters Daily Democrat on April 14th, 2021.

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