How to Make Connie Kretschmar’s Famous Stuffed Pumpkin

Pumpkin spice: love it or hate it, it’s a part of the New England scenery as soon as Oct. 1 rolls around. I’m constantly amazed by the amount of places you can and will find pumpkin spice. Cereal, candy, beer, you name it and the chances are it will turn up in it. It’s like the whole world, or at least this part of it, has gone pumpkin spice nuts.

Personally I’m not a lover of pumpkin spice, but it would appear I am in the minority. There is one way that I will eat pumpkin though and it’s delicious, and the recipe is one developed right here in Somersworth.

I recently obtained permission to share with you a favorite recipe of the Kretchsmar family. A name you might be familiar with, if you listen to the radio station WHEB or have had any dealings with Somersworth’s current police chief, David, to name but two of the family members. Connie Kretschmar is the matriarch of the family, and when son Greg mentioned his mom’s stuffed pumpkin recipe on his radio show, “Greg & The Morning Buzz,” it took on a life of its own. So without further ado, I give you the wonderful recipe that is a fall tradition for the Kretschmar family:

Connie’s Stuffed Pumpkin Recipe

12” to 15” pumpkin

2 to 3 lbs. of ground pork (Note: you can make it ½ ground pork, and ½ ground beef if you like. The flavor will not be changed that much. Your preference)

1 medium onion, chopped

5-6 medium sized potatoes, peeled, and cut in small pieces

1 tsp. of cinnamon

1 tsp. clove

1 tsp. allspice

Cut out the top of the pumpkin as you would for a jack-o-lantern (make a square, with the stem in the center – it will serve as your handle). Clean out the center of the pumpkin, removing all the seeds and innards. Set aside.

Cook the ground pork with chopped onions.

Drain most of the liquid when done and set aside.

Cook (boil) potatoes, then mash with a fork and add to the meat. (Don’t whip them, just chop them up pretty good)

Add spices

Mix well and heat mixture for about a half-hour on low heat.

Add mixture to the inside of the pumpkin, and place pumpkin top on.

Place pumpkin in a pan with about 1 inch of water, covering the bottom of the pan.

Place in 375 degree oven for about two hours (until you can easily pierce the pumpkin side with a fork)

Be sure to add water when necessary – so that there’s always moisture in the bottom of the pan.

When done, take it out of the oven and serve. Scoop filling onto a plate – and remember – the inside of the pumpkin is like a squash, so scrape some of that into your plate as well.

(Note: I am not one who measures. I cook according to taste. I start with the amount of spices listed and add a little at a time until I’m happy with the taste.)


Fire safety

Of course, anytime you are in the kitchen you should take care, especially when you consider that, according to the Somersworth Fire Department, cooking is the No. 1 cause of household fires. October is officially Fire Safety Month, and if you’ve lived in Somersworth for any amount of time, you will be aware that traditionally the department holds its annual open house this week. This popular event is yet another casualty of COVID-19. Smokey The Bear, sadly, will not be making his annual trip to the city. He did however email me and ask me to pass a couple of messages along to you.

The first reminder was to change the batteries in your smoke detectors this month. The second was to remind everyone we are currently in the midst of a severe drought. So please use extreme caution if you choose to have a fire and that it might be a good idea to check with the station that burning is still being permitted that day before lighting up. While Somersworth currently has no restrictions on water use, it would also be wise for each of us to conserve as much water as we can at this time. Smokey says he is looking forward to seeing everyone next year.


For those wondering about trick or treat, the city of Somersworth will not be setting any specific trick or treat times and therefore is not officially sponsoring trick or treat this year. The city is instead urging residents to seek safer alternatives when it comes to celebrating Halloween. It’s with residents’ safety in mind that the Somersworth Recreation Department will be sponsoring several events designed to help you celebrate Halloween while staying safe. Stay tuned as I get more updates.

That’s it for this week, but I will be back. In the meantime, stay safe and above all be kind to one other as we are all in this together.

This article first appeared in Fosters Daily Democrat on October 5th, 2020.

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