Merry Christmas past and present, Hilltop City

As I write this week’s column, I’m looking out my window and I have to say it’s starting to feel a lot like Christmas!  As much as I despise the snow at times, there is something to be said about having it on the ground this time of year to help with the festive mood. Now the first snow of the season has fallen I would like to remind you that Malley Farm and all city parks including the dog park on Stackpole road are now closed for the season. This is for the safety of both the public and city staff.

Hopefully everyone has finished their shopping this year and remembered to shop locally. It really is important to those merchants who are also our neighbors and especially at Christmas. If not, there is still time. I especially recommend Poppy Seed Studios, Cozy Nest and William Poole Confectionary on High Street as great places to find unique gifts as well as something for everyone on your list.

I love being able to pull the photos that accompany this column this week from the archives each year. They are indicative of an era from the past but one that still holds magic and memories for those who experienced the joy of the General Electric Christmas display that sat atop the receiving building on Main Street. Then there were the camels, wise men and choir boys that once graced the USS Somersworth park on Main Street next to the old police station building. Alas it’s been a long time since either of these displays have been seen but for many Hilltoppers they will always be part of Christmas past.

It is worth noting that at this time of the year there are many who are struggling and I’m not talking from just a financial position either. For many Somersworth residents, this can be a hard time of the year mentally. Many residents are alone, many without families or loved ones for the first time this Christmas. If you know of anyone who is struggling this Christmas, be it a neighbor, loved one or a friend, please take the time to reach out and say hi. Something that simple can make all the difference in someone’s day anytime of the year but especially as the holidays approach. While nothing you say can ever replace the one who, for whatever reason, no longer sits at the dinner table, a simple gesture can often make the loss seem a little more tolerable.

As we begin to look forward to 2022 and the promise that a new year brings please consider donating to the Community Food Pantry throughout 2022. While the shelves are always stocked this time of year that is not always the case in January or August. Food can be dropped off at the Food Pantry at 176 West High St., Monday from 7:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., Wednesday from 5:30 to 8 p.m. or Thursday from 2:30 to 5 p.m. If you would rather write a check you can by making it out to the Community Food Pantry and mailing it to 176 West High St., P.O. Box 228, Somersworth. 

There are also those who also find themselves without a permanent home this year and will be taking shelter at the warming shelter on Williand Drive. To those who are volunteering this Christmas I can offer no more than a thankyou! I’ll also offer the same thanks to all our first responders as well as all those working in the Hilltop city this Christmas day.Get the News Alerts newsletter in your inbox.

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