Post Office History, Absentee Ballots and Mr. B’s

Recently I’ve found myself pondering a seemingly lost art form: a handwritten letter. I’m (just) old enough to have grown up in an era where email was something that simply didn’t exist. There is something so very personal about a handwritten letter that is often lost in an email. Maybe it’s the time it takes to actually sit down and write a letter or perhaps the time it takes to get from your house to mine but whatever it is, I miss them.

Thinking about that led me down the path of the current post office that stands on the corner of Government Way and Station Street. I wonder how many people realize the building itself is now on the National Register of Historic Places and how many have taken the time to really look at the building, which was built in 1932. I’ll come back to that building in a minute though as the post office has something of an interesting history here in Somersworth.

For example, oddly enough as it happens, our first post office, which was commissioned in 1825, was not even in Somersworth, or as our community was then known, Great Falls. When the government established the local postal service it could be found across the bridge in Berwick, Maine, and served both sides of the bridge. It however quickly became apparent that the growing town of Great Falls would require a post office of its very own and was soon given disposition to establish one on this side of the bridge.

At that time and up until 1903, when the city would establish a postal delivery service, you would have to go and pick up your mail from the post office. Over the following years, the post office’s location would move from Market Street to High Street until the current post office was built in 1932. The current post office was built as part of the large public building program, which was launched to assist in relieving the unemployment situation as the Great Depression took hold of the country.

The building itself is beautiful as well as somewhat imposing. With its red brick that is outlined and offset by marble and the two light posts that stand proudly at the entrance, it is a beautiful building. One of my personal favorite features inside is the bronze post office boxes, which are quite exquisite with their star designs.

So next time you go to the post office, please take just a moment to look at the building itself and also say thanks to the workers who work hard to bring us all those packages, parcels and very occasional handwritten letters.

That brings me to a related subject: absentee ballots. The city of Somersworth is now accepting absentee ballots for the Nov. 3 election. According to the city website, any registered voter who is unable to vote on Election Day, or who cannot make it to the polls because of a disability, religious observance, due to employment obligations or any reason relating to COVID-19, may request an absentee ballot from the city clerk’s office in person or by mail. Visit for more information.

On another note, two of our local businesses recently celebrated their first year in business, which in the brave new world of COVID-19 is no small task. So please join me in congratulating Tasha’s Kitchen on High Street and Stripe Nine Brewing Company in the Somersworth Plaza as they reach this milestone.

This week I also want to shine a spotlight on a local family-run business that has been part of Somersworth for almost 22 years. Like many small businesses, it is simply trying to stay afloat in these uncertain times: Mr B’s TaeKwon Do.

Mr. B’s TaeKwon Do was for 17 years located inside the Works Health Club, but four years ago the owners built their dream building on Willand Drive. The building offers two beautiful classrooms each featuring over 2,000 square feet of training space. The business also has a beautiful yard and parking for 50 cars. Since June that outside space has been utilized for training, and they have been screening all students before every class and have carefully adhered to all the safety guidelines from the state and CDC.

The school prides itself on teaching the black belt way of life: to be a role model, take pride in oneself and to take care of one another. With many children unable to take part in school activities, it offers a local and safe alternative. You can contact Mrs. B directly at or by visiting for information.

That’s it for this week, but I will be back. In the meantime, stay safe and above all be kind to each other as we are all in this together.

This article first appeared in Fosters Daily Democrat on September 28th, 2020.

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