Remembering a Face of Child Labor

William LeBreuxThis past weekend Hilltoppers celebrated Labor Day, which has been an American tradition since 1894. For many, it signals change as summer turns to fall and students and teachers return to school.

There was a time, however, when kids only went to school through sixth grade. For example, let’s take a look at the story of William LeBreux, who at the tender age of 14 was working full time for the Great Falls Manufacturing Company at the mills in Somersworth. We know this because his image has been preserved forever by photographer and child labor activist, Lewis Hines.

Hines would photograph William “Willie” Lebreux as he was returning home from lunch on May 19, 1909. He lived at that time with his 14 siblings and parents, John and Delima, who all boarded at company-owned housing on Main Street. Although there is no record of what duties Willie performed in the mills, it is likely he was a doffer or sweeper. Both jobs were on the mill floors and were considered dangerous with many young children being crippled or in some cases killed.

Fortunately, Willie would survive and at some point would move to Waltham, Massahusetts. Willie, like many young men, would find himself drafted as the first World War raged, and on June 27, 1918, his call came. He would join the 151st Depot Brigade, report to Fort Devens, Massachusetts, before being shipped off to the war. Sadly, he would not return alive. Just three months later, on Sept. 25, 1918, three days shy of his 24th birthday, William LeBreux died. It was just a month and a half before “the war to end all wars“ ended.

William was brought home and now rests at Mount Calvary Cemetery alongside his brother Arthur, who was a World War II veteran.

The pictures Hines would take that day of barefooted Willie and many others as they went about their daily business would be used to influence Congress regarding child labor laws. It would not be until 1938 that the laws were changed so that children of Willie’s age would be prohibited from working in not just the mills but any job until the ages of 16 or 18 depending on the state. So today with the help of my fellow historian, Eric Mommsen, I remember William LeBreux and I hope you will, too.

So talking, as we are of labor, I promised you each week I would profile a locally owned small business. This week I took time to talk to Paula Tsiorbas, the owner of The Cozy Nest.

Many may recall that name from its old location at the corner of Route 108 and Blackwater Road, where the new Cumberland Farms now stands. Last year Paula relocated The Cozy Nest to its present location at 60B High St.

When COVID-19 hit this March, like most small businesses, Paula was forced to close the physical location of The Cozy Nest. She decided to take to the internet and opened a virtual store which is still in operation today at

Paula chooses all of the merchandise. When I asked her to describe her style and what customers can expect, she answered, “I love the Danish concept of hygge (pronounced “hoo-gah). It is a concept that describes a moment or feeling that is cozy, special or charming. My hope is that my customer finds that perfect candle or coffee mug that is going to bring them joy or that perfect piece for their home or garden.”

Paula has decided to reopen the doors of The Cozy Nest on Thursday, Sept. 10. The Cozy Nest will be open Thursday, Friday, Saturday, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The hours of 2 to 3 p.m. will be available for private appointments. For those still not comfortable with shopping inside, Paula also offers curbside pick-up and free delivery within the Somersworth, Rochester and Dover areas.

Next time you are on High Street, please consider popping in and saying hi to Paula. She would love to show you around her beautiful store that is all decorated for the fall.

Before I go this week I want to let you know that both Somersworth City Hall and Library will be reopening on Wednesday, Sept. 9. Library hours have changed to Tuesday and Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., plus Thursday, Friday, Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

That’s it for this week, but I will be back. In the meantime, stay safe and, above all, be kind to each other as we are all in this together.

This article first appeared in Foster’s Daily Democrat on September 7th, 2020.

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