Santa Comes to Somersworth

Room at the Inn in 2020

Santa Comes to Somersworth

When I was growing up in England, the school nativity play was the most important event of the Christmas season. Like many youngsters, I had aspirations of an acting career. Each year I would try out for the school nativity, and one year I hit what felt like the nativity jackpot.

I, yes lowly me, was bestowed the honor of playing Mary! To say I was thrilled was an understatement, and the best part was I only had one line. I recall diligently practicing that line for what seemed like weeks before the big night arrived. 

Every rehearsal I was instructed on how to hold the baby Jesus. I was given strict instructions not to drop baby Jesus under any circumstances, which even to younger me seemed like a no-brainer. So when the appointment time came, I stepped out onto the stage and my acting career reached what sadly would be its pinnacle. Of course I froze and forgot my one line, but I staggered through and on the plus side I did not drop baby Jesus. However I will confess to realizing halfway through the play that I was holding him upside down! Whoops. In my defense, I was 8 years old at the time.

These memories were sparked when St. Ignatius Parish announced it will present a live nativity on Sunday, Dec. 20th at 4:30 p.m. outside Holy Trinity Church on High Street. I have it on good authority there will be live animals on the scene. In case you are wondering, no, I will not be reviving my dreams of being an actress. But I will be there taking pictures and reliving a few memories, and I hope you will, too.

Shelter from the cold

Of course, when it comes to the nativity, Mary was not the only character that said little, the Inn Keeper had only one job and that was to tell the couple that there was no room in the Inn. With the advent of COVID-19, the number of homeless in the area has risen significantly and so has the need to find more room at the Inn, also known as an emergency homeless shelter. Unlike last year, when area churches opened their doors and welcomed the homeless, this year, thanks to a federal grant, the Tri-City emergency shelter will be located right here in Somersworth. The shelter will be located at 30 Willand Drive behind Home Depot.

That brings me to a nonprofit that has been close to my heart since I learned about it about five years ago: Lydia’s House of Hope. Based right here in Somersworth on Grant Street, the organization which is headed by Theresa Tozier, has created a safe haven for many locally homeless families who would otherwise be living in a car or on the streets. The organization does so much more than simply take families off the streets though.

The aim of Lydia’s House of Hope is to transition families from living on the streets to living in a place they can call their own. The organization gives the women and children that experience the year-long program a real shot at life and aims to break the patterns of multi-generational homelessness and has been very successful. The nonprofit takes no federal money and is reliant solely on public and corporate donations. Learn more at

Holiday favorites

Don’t forget that on Saturday, Dec. 19 at noon, the 2020 ice sculpture will appear on the city library steps. I have been sworn to secrecy on the design so you will just have to come down and see for yourself this year. Did you miss story time with the mayor and his band of elves? No worries, you can find a recording of the event on Channel 22 each day at 10.30 a.m. and 9 p.m. I hope everyone got to see Santa during his recent visit to Somersworth as that was his only planned stop until the big night. After all, Santa deserves some rest before the biggest night of the year.

Lastly this week I want to remind you to support our local businesses and eateries that continue to suffer through this pandemic. Traditionally for many local businesses this is the busiest time of the year and will carry them through the months of January through April. This year has been very different for all of us, but the owners of these businesses are our friends, neighbors or family members. Your support is critical to their survival this year. So shop often and shop local where you can.

That’s all for this week, so until next week please keep wearing your masks, shopping local and let’s make the best of these trying times. If there is anything you would like to see more of in this column, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. My mailbox is always open.

This column first appeared in Fosters Daily Democrat on December 15th 2020.

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