Harry Stein

Shoe Entrepreneur Who Loved our City

Harry Stein
Harry Stein was a shoe entrepreneur in Somersworth, NH

What do veterans, shoes and a man named Stein have in common? Well, let’s find out, shall we?

This week, our story begins in 1934, when a young man called Harry Stein came to the city of Somersworth. An entrepreneur and a man seemingly unafraid of taking chances, Harry would become a well-known figure in Somersworth and, by 1960, would employ more than 400 locals.

Harry Stein owned and operated from the mills on Canal Street a company called, Somersworth Shoe. Of all the shoe lines the company would produce, the most famous would be known as the “Citation” shoe. By 1960, the mills would be producing an estimated 3,600 pairs of the much sought after shoe as well as others.

Harry Stein was more than a man who simply did business in the city. He was, by all accounts, a man who loved his community. Ask any of the seniors who recall him and they will tell you that he was a man of the people. He looked after his employees, many of whom would stay with the company from its humble start in 1943 till the doors were closed in 1984.

It was 1971 when shoes and veterans would begin to connect. You see, it would be on May 11, 1971, when the park we now know as Stein Park, was formally named after Harry Stein in recognition of all his good deeds within the community. The resolution states that the space had no formal name before then and was simply known as the municipal park next to City Hall on Main Street. In case you are not aware, that building is now the home of the Summersworth Historical Museum. Also in that year the original war memorial which stood proud between two large conifers was erected and is now a part of the new memorial. For many years, this has been a place for the people of Somersworth to gather and give thanks to our veterans and this year was no different with one major exception.

At the direction of Somersworth Mayor Dana Hilliard, a commission was formed in 2018. The task of that commission was to redesign the park into a space that would honor our veterans. The 12 people on the commission envisioned a space and thanks to the architects of Ironwood Landscape, a concept, became reality.

Funds were raised and many local businesses stepped up and helped with the cost. Those businesses included Service Credit Union and Hilltop Chevrolet, just to mention two. Citizens could purchase bricks to honor their own family members and still can by visiting Somersworth.com for information. Please note: any bricks purchased this winter will be laid in the spring.

Stein Park, Somersworth, NH
Stein Park as seen in 1949.

The Harry Stein Park now holds a memorial to all our veterans, past and present, which we can all take pride in. If you have not taken a ride down Main Street recently and seen the newly opened memorial, I strongly encourage you do. 

Seeking community heroes

The year 2020 will probably go down in history as one of the most memorable. COVID-19 certainly threw most of us for a loop and continues to do so. With that in mind The Falls Chamber of Commerce that represents Somersworth, the Berwicks and Rollinsford has decided to reinvent its annual awards as well as the ceremony. This year the awards ceremony will take place Dec. 10 and will be in a virtual format, but the chamber needs your help.

The chamber is looking for nominations for the Business and Nonprofit of the Year as usual. However, Citizen of the Year has a new twist. The Chamber is looking for 10 community heroes. Do you know someone who has gone above and beyond in 2020? Someone who has championed the community and deserves an award for all their hard work? If you do then you can nominate them for this prestigious award by visiting this link before Nov. 20: https://gscdtfc.wildapricot.org/2020-Award-Nominations

Scouting for food

Service is something the Scouts are known for and this past weekend they held their annual food drive. I’m glad to report that our local troops collected and donated just under 1,000 pounds of food to the Community Food Pantry located at First Parish Church on West High Street. The pantry currently serves 300 families per month according to executive director David Vachon.

The pantry is open to all residents of Somersworth and surrounding areas and is open Monday 10 a.m.-noon, Wednesday from 6-8 p.m. and Thursday from 3-5 p.m. They are also accepting donations at these times as well. 

One hump or two? 

While most of us have our minds on Thanksgiving, Father Andrew Nelson of St. Ignatius Parish is already thinking of Christmas. This year the parish is looking to host a live nativity and Father Andrew is looking for a few things, namely in the shape of some live animals, you might be willing to lend him for a few hours.

More specifically he is seeking a flock of sheep, a donkey, a cow or an ox, some llamas and he is seriously hoping someone has a camel just hanging around the house looking for somewhere to go this Christmas.

Yes, he recognizes that the last one is a long shot but this columnist is constantly surprised by the things people keep in their backyards, cellars and attics. Please contact myself or the Parish office at: 603-692-2172 if you can help.

That’s it for this week so until next week stay safe!

This article first appeared in Fosters Daily Democrat on November 16th, 2020.

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