somersworth dog park

 These 2 City Parks Have Stood The Test Of Time

SOMERSWORTH – Jules Bisson Park, like all our city parks, has an interesting history. For anyone who is not sure where the park is located, it can be found on River Street and Indigo Hill Road, behind Emerald City Laundromat on Main Street. The park itself first came into the hands of the City of Somersworth when it was purchased in 1966 for the princely sum of $400.

How this acquisition came about is an interesting story in and of itself. This park is located in a neighborhood that for many years was known as the “Brickyard.” In the 1950s and ’60s, the area was populated mainly by Catholics of French Canadian heritage. The area was filled with children including the Messier, Bald and Bisson children, all of whom had little desire to wander further than their own neighborhood, in order to play safely. This resulted in some ingenious and inventive answers when it came to finding a safe place to play and basically, be kids Many of the kids who called the neighborhood home would play behind what was then Dover Shoe and what we now know as Emerald City Laundrette. At that time, that building was four stories tall as opposed to the two that stand today.

Over time, the kids began to mow the grass in the area and they would play ball. It’s worth noting here that at that time Somersworth had many Little League clubs and teams. One of the fathers was Jules Bisson, who was also a city councilor. He would step up and champion the purchase of the land by the city.

For many years, the park would be known simply as the Ward 5 Playground by virtue of the ward it can be found in, but it was eventually renamed to Jules Bisson Park in honor of the man who fought so hard to purchase the land in the first place. Over the years, the park has seen many changes.

Today the park features a baseball court, newly updated playground equipment, gazebo and lots of fenced green space in which kids can, well honestly, just be kids.

Over the past five or so years on the first Tuesday in August, the park has been transformed into a community event that has proved to be very popular. That event is of course National Night Out. This is a national celebration and is aimed at fostering the relationship between the community and the local police department. If you were there last Tuesday, you will already know the park was packed and the Somersworth first responders community, local community groups and residents were simply enjoying a beautiful evening. What you might not know is that this year the entire event was put together by the Somersworth Police Department Association. In previous years, the evening has been spearheaded by Somersworth Youth Connection, but as we all are painfully aware neither last year or this one have been ordinary. This year we have the hard work of Officer Ashley Fuller who many will recognize as the school resource officer to thank for what turned out to be a great community event, if the smiles on the faces of those who attended was anything to go by.

Even Bravo, Somersworth’s very own K9, and his handler Officer Deshaines made an appearance which leads me nicely into Millennium Park which is also home to the Somersworth dog park.

Millennium Park can be found off Stackpole Road in the city. This park was originally purchased and used by the employees of General Electric in 1955. For the next 45 years, it was used for company picnics, inter-departmental leagues to play and generally a place where members could simply come and relax. Over time, the park would become host to a lighted softball field, a brand new playground and swing set (2017), two sand volleyball courts, two horseshoe pits, a covered pavilion with picnic tables, two charcoal grills, and a park house with two newly renovated restrooms and would be known simply as the  “GE Field.”

That would change in 1999 when the General Electric Employees Association would approach the city of Somersworth and ask if they would be interested in purchasing the field. After some negotiations, the sum of $92,500 was offered and accepted by the Association and the field and amenities would join the city’s other parks. In 2020, the park would see a new addition in the form of the Somersworth Dog Park which was an effort that Councilor David Witham would bring before the council in 2019. The entire council embraced the idea and the park, which includes fresh water, and small and large dog fenced areas, became a reality when it was officially opened in November 2020. If you have a canine friend and have a chance to visit the dog park, it is highly recommended.

Summersworth Historical Society seeking actors 

Summersworth Historical Society and Museum will be holding an informational meeting at the Summersworth Historical Museum located at 157 High St., Somersworth at 6 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 16 for actors to portray historical city characters. 

The event itself will take place on Sunday, Oct. 2 in the historic Forest Glade Cemetery located on Maple Street where they will bring to life some of it’s permanent residents. No acting experience is necessary, just a willing spirit … They hope to see you there! If you can’t make the meeting, but would like to help of participate, please email George Poulin at

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