Turn Back Time

Turn back time. No, I’m not referring to the Cher song here. Instead I’m thinking of the spring forward and fall back type of arrangement known since its first adoption by Congress on March 19, 1918 as daylight saving time.

Originally conceived as a way to save energy, the practice now seems outdated to some. Whether that is the case or not, the truth is, next Sunday, Nov.1 at 2 a.m., we will once again roll our clocks back an hour and be plunged into darkness much earlier.

While contemplating daylight saving, it dawned on me just how much we take for granted the fact that we can simply flip a switch and voila we have light. It was not always this way. For example, it wouldn’t be until 1850 when Somersworth residents would be granted the gift of reliable light. That gift would come in the form of coal gas and the Great Falls Gas Works which was located on Lower Main Street just north of the river and Depot Street.

Before the advent of coal gas, the mills and residences were lit mainly by whale oil, which has its own unique and odorous stench. For many years, each March, mill workers could be found celebrating “Blowing Out Day.” A day when the whale oil lamps would cease the need to be lit and the workers would celebrate the advent of more light with parades and often a dance. In September, the “Lighting Up” ceremony was held but this was not a cause for celebration, as it meant longer hours for the workers and in bad lighting. 

Smokey Hollow 

In 1850, two huge gas storage tanks stood tall and proud on Main Street. The stench that the production of coal gas caused would soon become legendary, but those two tanks would provide the then village with a cutting edge technology that dispelled the darkness of the night and allowed the mills of the Great Falls Manufacturing Company to operate for many more hours. Some of you may be aware that this area of the city is known as “Smokey Hollow.” This is on account of the foundry and coal gas that would produce smoke that would then settle within the area which sits in a dip. Even today, when there is a chill in the air, you can often find the mist sitting in the hollow.

The six mills that lined the banks of the Salmon Falls River were the first to receive the benefits of this newer, safer form of lighting, but as was usually the way, just a year after its introduction the citizens of Great Falls would vote to have the town streets lit by coal gas. By the time electricity as we know it came to Somersworth in 1888, coal gas was still much in demand and the two tanks would continue to stand in Smokey Hollow for the next 50 years.

Of course, today we think nothing of flicking that switch and we also expect that our streets will be well lit. Today Somersworth’s street lights are lit by LED which is the latest in cutting edge technology both in terms of energy and cost. 

Halloween Safety

One of the major functions of street lighting is to keep citizens safe and this year as we approach Halloween, safety is something that is on all our minds in light of COVID-19. There are several events in Somersworth that aim to offer a safe alternative to the more traditional trick-or-treating that the city is discouraging this year.

The first of those events will take place at Hilltop Fun Center on Route 108 in the form of a Trunk or Treat. The event will run from 3 to 6 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 31.  A fee of $1 is being asked of all treaters and will be donated to Live and Let Live Farm of Chichester, N.H. Wear your costumes as there will be prizes for the best.

That same evening at 6 p.m., Hilltop Fun Center will host a Fright Night for those over 18. The event will feature unlimited mini golf, laser tag and a whole host of other fun activities. So dust off those costumes, and get yourself over to Hilltop Fun Center as tickets are required for this event at a cost of $30 each. You can find more information at https://www.facebook.com/events/346057889980703

Dairy Queen in the Tri-City Plaza is bringing back trick-or-treat this year. They are offering a free kid’s cone for any kid under 12 who wears their Halloween costume when they visit the location. This offer will run until Oct. 31.

This one is also for the adults, but is not nearly as spooky. Stripe Nine Brewery which is located in the Somersworth Plaza on Main Street has teamed up with the good people of DeMerritt HIll Farm in Lee and have produced a new beer that features pumpkins from the farm to create a new beer aptly named “Haunted Overload.” I say cheers to that and wish everyone a happy and safe Halloween this year. Oh and don’t forget to turn back the clocks! 

That’s it for this week, but I will be back. In the meantime, stay safe and above all be kind to one other as we are all in this together.

This article was first published in Fosters Daily Democrat on October 27th, 2020.

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