somersworth community food pantry

Volunteering brings its own rewards

Volunteering was once thought of as something of a competitive sport in some circles. “How many clubs, fraternities, or organizations can you be a part of?” was the standard by which many community members were judged. Family members would sit around the table on a special occasion and reel off all the organizations they belonged to and all the good deeds they had done.

I’m not sure when that changed but change it did. Nowadays it seems that many of us are too busy to offer our time and of course this year Covid-19 has played a huge part in curtailing the operations of the organizations in Somersworth that still exist.

That said, there are still plenty of volunteer opportunities within this community, and I thought I would use this week’s column to bring some of them to your attention. Thanks in part to the Corona virus, many of us now have time on our hands and a desire to help but sometimes we simply have no idea of the opportunities that exist.

I’m going to start by highlighting the Community Food Pantry at First Parish Church, 176 West High St., Somersworth. The pantry offers food to those who are experiencing hardships and with COVID-19, the number of clients they serve each week is increasing according to pantry director Pat Vachon.

The pantry has three shifts where they need volunteers. Mondays 9.30-noon, Wednesdays 5.30-8 p.m. and Thursdays 2.30-5 .pm. Duties involve either sanitizing equipment and interacting with clients or distributing food to clients. Some shifts may require you to stay a little later and that will depend on the number of clients being served.

Another way you could help is to volunteer as a grocery store pick up driver. As the name suggests, you would be required to pick up food from a variety of area stores. In order to volunteer for this position you would be required to have either a pick-up truck or a hatchback/SUV and be able to lift between 10 and 40 pounds.

If you are interested in helping with either of these opportunities, please contact Pat Vachon either by email at or by phone at (207) 475-4518.

We are definitely living in a strange time and one where the wearing of masks is becoming more and more accepted as not only the fashionable thing to do but the sensible one. With that in mind local resident Jen Monreau has been spearheading a campaign to sew masks for local teachers and students. Somersworth alone is requesting 600 masks. If you can help Jen and her merry band of cutters, sewers and washers, they would be very grateful. The other thing this group is requesting and you don’t have to be able to sew to help here, is fabric, more specifically fabric for mask for boys, she said. Jen can be contacted at and would love to hear from you.

Talking of schools, did you know there is a Facebook group that is actively working toward connecting Somersworth parents and school children alike in these uncertain times where face-to-face interactions are very much curtailed. The group is steadily growing thanks to admin Erica Ormsby and you can find it on Facebook by searching for Somersworth Parents Connect.

While schools and returning to schools are on many of our minds, others’ thoughts are turning to the ballot box and the fact that we have two elections fast approaching. Somersworth City Clerk Johnathan Slaven is seeking those willing to help out at the city’s five polling stations. If you are interested in helping please contact the city clerk at (603) 692-9511.

Incidentally, two of those polling stations have changed this year thanks to COVID-19. Ward 4 voters will no longer vote at the Charpentier apartments but at Idlehurst Elementary School. Ward 3 voters will no longer vote at the Flanagan Center instead voting at the High School cafeteria. The other polling stations will remain the same.

Before I sign off this week I just want to take the time to say a huge thanks to all those who volunteer in whatever capacity in Somersworth. Without you many of the organizations, activities and fun we have in the city would not be possible, so thank you!

That’s it for this week but I will be back. In the meantime please stay safe and above all be kind to each other as we are all in this together.

This article first appeared in Fosters Daily Democrat on August 10th 2020.

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